Coachella Valley Real Estate Market

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Coachella Valley Minute to Minute Market Reports by City

Check out the Appreciation Charts Below. currently as of the end of 2022, we had a more normal rate of appreciation. Currently as of April 2023, we are starting to see an uptick is multiple offers again. We will watching this market closely and will update as new numbers come out.

May 10th is the next Core Consumer Price Index (CPI). currently at 5.7% YOY.

In order for the feds to stop raising rates, we need the inflation rate to get to below 3%. But if you are waiting until rates get below 3%…forget, we will probably see them again in our life time.

If you are waiting for the next housing market crash, you may want to check out this artucle.

What History Reveals about Recessions and the Housing Marketing

We anticapte the mortagae interest rates to settle in the low 5% by end of summer, early 3qtr. We will keep you updated on the trends and information as its released.